Why Wait? The Dangers of Prolonging Dental Treatment

Tooth Pain

There are numerous ways a person could lose a tooth. Regardless of the reason, if you've lost any amount of teeth, then it's highly recommended you seek out a dental professional to correct that issue for you, and as soon as possible.

Prolonging restorative dental treatment can have serious negative repercussions. These will eventually evolve into bigger problems later on in your life. The list below is just a few of the potential threats you'll face if you delay corrective treatment over time. 

1. Diminishing Jawbone

The root of a person’s tooth helps to stimulate an individual's jawbone. That stimulation is vital to your jawbone's structure and longevity. In the event that the vacant area that is left by a missing tooth isn't filled within a reasonable amount of time (as little as a year), your body will begin to reabsorb that piece of the bone. This makes your face seem less healthy and defined and making you appear as if you are a lot older than you actually are due to the stress caused to your jaw.

2. Speech Issues

Contingent upon which tooth you've lost; you may end up experiencing issues articulating certain words. For example, on the off chance that the missing tooth was situated in the front of your mouth, you may build up a lisp over time. This, along with spitting, whistling, and slurring your words when you talk are for the most part other reactions, you'll probably encounter in the event that you don't supplant your missing teeth.

3. Shifting Teeth

Your remaining teeth start to move to make up for the space brought about by a missing tooth. This causes you to have issues with the alignment of your jaw. This misalignment might make you develop an overbite or underbite. These misalignment's make eating certain foods awkward. This has caused others to completely stop eating their favorite foods.

Contact Us Today

Don't wait to replace or treat a missing or problematic tooth any longer. For more information on the different replacement treatments, contact our offices located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. One of our team members will help you schedule an appointment with Dr. Lopez

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