A Complete Guide to Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment

With recent developments in dental technology, people suffering from gum disease can choose treatment options that have the potential to reverse their oral condition or ailment. LANAP ® is an FDA-Cleared laser gum therapy that gives patients a minimally invasive treatment that can help combat gum regression and promote healthy oral tissue development. That's great news for your teeth and gums and their overall wellbeing.

During Your Procedure 

For your procedure, you should plan on it to last about two hours. A dental laser about the size of three individual hairs is used during this process to clean the area between the teeth and gums. The laser will pass over your infected gum tissue and only eliminate the hazardous parts. This also improves exposure to extract calcifications underneath the gum line.

Once these contaminants have been removed, a second treatment with the laser is used to ensure sterilization and creates a sealing between the teeth and healthy tissue. Your body starts fixing the area of operation at this point.

Initial Recovery Period 

As healthy tissue begins to grow, it is normal to experience some or all of these symptoms 

  • Soreness
  • Tissue color variations
  • Light blood oozing
  • Swelling

Patients bounce back quickly and can continue their normal daily activities within 24 hours, because there are no incisions and no sutures. Over the counter pain, medicine and ice packs should be administered for soreness and inflammation at periods of 15 minutes during the 24-hour period following surgery. During the initial healing period, a relaxed diet and modified brushing and flossing routine is advised.

Final Healing 

Your gum tissues will continue to heal over the weeks following your operation and may change hues as they are rehabilitated to health and begin to reattach to the adjacent teeth. Stay away from sugars, popcorn, and seeds that can be stuck between the teeth and gums.

For optimum results, be sure to follow the oral hygiene routine provided by your periodontist . Contact our Albuquerque, New Mexico offices today to schedule an appointment and for more details on LANAP® .

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